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Japan Upcoming Trip

27 October 2018

Posting from the future

Behold, a map of where I am going

It is not 27 October yet, unless it is and I have forgotten to update this.
This year I will be spending more time in Tokyo than in previous years, because I find that has the best transport options for day hikes. However to mix it up a bit, I am also flying to Naha in Okinawa, then flying back to Fukuoka for a few days before taking the train to Nagasaki and then flying back to Tokyo. So there will be a few new cities and internal flights rather than bullet trains.

Japan-Upcoming Trip - I made a map to explain where I am going. Enjoy my map.

I made a map to explain where I am going. Enjoy my map.

Update - it is now 27 October, I have moved from the future into the present, read on.

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